Multiple selves :
    Nothing to do with psychology... I'm just a culture thief. In Japanese culture, someone could have several names related to his or her capacities and skills. A craftsman would have first and last names (like everybody esle) but also a craftman's name. And if he plays Shamisen too, he would have another one.
    Lily is my name as a figurines maker ; Quiddity is my internet identity (or avatar) ; my last name was given me by my parents.

Portrait chinois :

    If I were...

 A colour : Dark red.
 A painting : "Les Tournesols" by Van Gogh (for the yellow of the sunflowers)
 A movie : "Deconstructing Harry" by Woody Allen (I feel blur!!!)
 A piece of writing : "Une Abeille contre la Vitre" (a French novel by Gilbert Cesbron)
 A basic volume : The Möbius' Ring (Intérior, extérior ? Who knows?)

Hearing :
 A sound : the kitchen alarm (annoying, but useful)
 A music instrument : a violin (from fiddle to Stradivarius)
 A song : "Gypsy"  by Suzanne Vega (For the Prayer)
 An expression : "Taux de survie 100%!" (more or less like "I will survive")
 A voice : Lisa Ekdhal's (small one, but filled with strength - err... sudden doubt)

smelling :
 A Flower : l'ancolie (because it rhymes with melancoly)
 A perfume : "Angel" by Thierry Mugler ( much too sweet)
 a smell : Fresh bread from the oven ( warm, but...)

Taste :
 A "basic" : salted
 Basic food : Fresh bread from the oven ( warm, but... yay! copy/paste's great!)
 A dish : le Camembert braisé au Miel d'Acacia (the two extrems forn the taste- cheeze and honey)
 A treat : le croissant chaud "pur beurre" (the butter is literally leaking from the pastry... wicked!))

Touch :
 A material : wool (because it is comforting)
 An objet : a soft wool jumper (wonderful in cold wather, but of no use if it is raining)
 An animal : a cat (for his ability to "contemplate" err... don't mind the picture)

Spirit :
 A quality : générosity
 A flaw : nervosity
 An obsession : ponctuality (I'm always a quarter of an hour early, if not more)
 A capital sin : glutony
 A philosophy : Balance (well : I'm still looking for it)

Ether :
 A time of the day : just before I wake up (when the dream is still my reality)
 A time of the year : October (and the hell of university inscriptions)
 An era : Empire (women were free... in their clothes!)

Matter :
 A minéral : ruby
 An element : water (changes and adaptation ; calm et movements)
 A treasure : Books and music ("serious" leisure)
 A luxery : a huge dwelling with too much cupboards and shelves and store rooms etc...!

To play "Portrait chinois" with me and ask a question, write me!
    The Portrait chinois by Himène :
    If I were a character from a manga? I'd be Shinobu from "Love Hina" (terrific cook, a bit akward, far too nice, and absolutely hopeless with boys)

What are you thinking about ?

     What is the first thing to come to your mind when you think of me ?

My family :
 My father : a red hat... round and made of soft heavy wool.
 My mother : HER daughter!
 My sister : "ma sœur, mon cœur" (my sister, my heart)

My friends :
 Alexandre : our high school years.
 Elodie : Chocolates!
 Ben : fizzy!
 Alexandra : Eat!
 Sylvie : Softness.

Lily, Quiddity and other selves


My universe
Guest book